Throughout the four years we have tested and developed The Last, we have become very familiar with the garments and identified areas that are most prone to wear. Therefore, extra reinforcement has been added to all the wear points that have been identified to ensure that the garments last as long as possible. The reinforcements are made with Ventile eco 400 RCO, which is thicker and more durable than the material on the rest of the garments – of course, tone-on-tone to reduce the contrast against the main material.


Straps for backpacks and sleds, or other carrying systems, cause wear on the shoulder area. Rough handling, contact with rough surfaces, constant tightening/loosening of Velcro throughout the day, contribute to wear around the sleeve openings. Falling backward or leaning back and relaxing on a wall takes a toll on the elbows.

In all these three areas, we have added reinforcement material so that you can perform the mentioned activities without worrying that the jacket will wear out quickly.


The seams that connect the shoulders to the arms of the jacket are often a weak point after extensive use. This area is particularly vulnerable to dirt, debris from branches or bark, and over time, the seams will show signs of friction and weaken. Therefore, the seams are reinforced with stronger thread and double stitching.


An area that is rarely protected is the edge of the jacket, which is often subjected to friction. Every time you sit down on a chairlift, on the bus, or on a curb, this is the area most exposed. We have reinforced it with a wide strip of our thick reinforcement material, ensuring that you can sit comfortably for extended periods without worrying about loose threads or tears along the edge.


Ski boots with sharp details, ski edges with steel, and loops for the shoelaces can be a pants' worst enemy. After several hundred hours of testing in the mountains, we observed that the trouser leg needed substantial reinforcement at the opening. Not only have we added double reinforcement at the edge, but we have also stitched in a band of durable polyester that protrudes slightly from the rest to withstand the roughest impact.


The mother of all wear points is the knees, which are often in contact with rocks, gravel, snow, and unsanded cabin floors. To extend the life of the area around the knees and make them more resistant to moisture, we have added an extra layer of the main material. This also gives you the option to insert insulation between the two layers from the inside of the pants. Just find some worn-out wool socks, cut them to fit the pocket, and voila, you have warm knees as well.


Sharp keys, pens, wallets with zippers, and other items placed in pockets contribute to wear and tear on both the pocket bag and the pocket opening. The pocket bag is made of the same durable material as the rest of the jacket, while the edge of the pocket opening is reinforced with extra protection. With this design, you can keep your hands in your pockets for many years without worrying about getting your fingers caught in loose threads.


During activities involving extensive movements, the crotch of the pants can be particularly vulnerable. The Last is made of 100% cotton without stretch, and testing revealed the need to reinforce the crotch to prevent it from wearing out. Therefore, an additional gusset (double material) has been added to the crotch, extending a bit down on the inside of the thighs. This design allows you to stand with your legs apart, almost in a split, without worrying about the crotch tearing.

The Last Jacket

Women and men

The Last Pants

Women and men

7500 NOK

4900 NOK